Hospital Pharmacy Crash Course (Including IV Certification)

After teaching the IV certification course for over 5 years we realized that IV Certification does not teach pharmacists anything about IV Administration, Flow rate and dilutions about Injectable drugs. Therefore 15 years ago we developed these combination courses of IV Certification with Hospital Pharmacy Training. So far, we are the only company that provides live programs which include hospital pharmacy training.

These courses have been compiled and meticulously designed after working in different hospital pharmacy settings for over 30 years:- dealing with & implementing different computer systems including clinical pharmacy programs, training Pharmacists to assume clinical roles by working independently with Doctors and Nurses to improve patient outcomes, while maintaining financial viability for the organizations.

We have designed these courses primarily for retail pharmacists or new pharmacy graduates to prepare them for Hospital Pharmacy Practice, or to provide a jump start for Pharmacist who have just entered the hospital pharmacy arena. The focus of this program is to expose you to the work settings of an acute care hospital pharmacy in a decentralized environment, or a LTAC (long term Acute Care), or a Rehabilitation Hospital. This will also prepare you for an IV Infusion Pharmacy or a Pharmacy setting offering a combination of these services.

We offer pharmacists several choices for Hospital Pharmacy/IV Certification Training, which includes everything in the course outline:

  1. HOSPITAL PHARMACY PREP COURSE (P-3) This 3 days, regularly scheduled Hospital Pharmacy Prep Course is usually offered every month. You can sign up for this course directly on the website. All the information you need to know about working in an Acute Care Hospital setting is presented in this class and is our most popular program. Click on the Register button to see the class schedule.

  2. HOSPITAL PHARMACY CRASH COURSE (P-5) provides 5 days of pharmacy training inside the hospital pharmacy setting working side by side with the staff pharmacist while going through the training. Program starts on Monday at 8 am and ends on Friday by 4 pm. Everything you need to know about hospital pharmacy practice in an Acute Care Hospital is covered in this class, including IV Certification with hands on IV training. You can sign up for the Scheduled class online; or call to see if can accommodate your schedule.


    This 2 weeks fellowship program is designed for Retail Pharmacists who want to lean more about hospital pharmacy practice. It provides more detailed learning about the hospital pharmacy than provided by the one week crash course. It is ideally suited for new pharmacy graduates, pharmacists who have had a break in employment or pharmacists who have spent too much time in the retail setting. You can sign up directly on the website for the scheduled class. You may call us to see if we accommodate your schedule.


    This one day class provides the cliff note version of working in the hospital setting. This is more suitable for pharmacists who have recently started in the hospital environment and looking for clarity in their hospital work environment. This can be provided in person or via zoom.


    This is designed to upgrade skill level of pharmacists currently working without the in-depth clinical knowledge for Kinetic dosing, Renal dosing and clinical monitoring of medications patients are receiving, with or without IV Certification to comply with 797 requirements,. This may be provided at your location or ours. Cost based on the location and number of Pharmacist/s that need training. Call 817-938-1064 for more information.


Course Outline

  • Institutional Pharmacy Practice Settings

  • ADT (Admission, Discharge, Transfer)Medication Reconciliation Medication

  • Orders - Reading and interpreting (major focus), Range Orders, Overriding Orders & unapproved abbreviations

  • Clinical Pharmacy Functions & Chart Review Interpreting relevant Lab Data

  • Computer Order entry including CPOE

  • Drug Distribution systems (cart fill, robot fill, Pyxis fill)

  • Automated Dispensing Systems (Pyxis, Omnicel etc)

  • Hospital Pharmacy Computer Programs

  • Controlled Substances Distribution

  • Look Alike Sound Alike Drugs in a hospital setting

  • Handling High Risk Drugs in hospitals

  • Adverse Drug Reactions monitoring & reporting

  • IV Admixtures National Training

  • Avoiding Medication Errors in a hospital setting

  • National Patient Safety Goals, Core Measures, SCIP & HAC

  • Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee functions

  • Interviewing tips for a hospital pharmacy job


Clinical Pharmacy review & PRACTICE

  • Antibiotic Dosing, Monitoring & Renal Adjustments

  • Anticoagulation Dosing, Monitoring & Management

  • Aminoglycosides Dosing, Monitoring & Management

  • Vancomycin Dosing, Monitoring & Management

  • ACLS Drugs, RSI Kits and responding to codes

  • TPN Monitoring & Electrolyte Management     

  • IV TO PO Conversion guidelines

  • Renal dosing of Antibiotics

  • Dosing Practice Antibiotics

Introduction to Hospital Pharmacy practice 

  • Introduction to Hospital Pharmacy practice 

  • Hospital practice settings

  • Hospital Regulations, Medication Management Standards, JCAHO, DNV

  • Hospital Drug Distribution, Cart-fill vs Pyxis Fill vs Robot Fill

  • Automatic Stop Orders (ASO), Hard vs Soft Stops

  • Medication Administration Records (MAR)

  • Medication Reconciliation at level of change

  • Range Orders and Overriding Orders.

  • Unapproved abbreviations & PRN indications

  • IV basics, IV Lines & Administration Guidelines

  • Commonly used IV Antibiotic, dilutions and flow rates.

  • Commonly used IV push medications vs IVPB

  • Hospital Formulary and Therapeutic Substitutions

Pharmacy Automation

  • Order Management Systems Pyxis Connect, Trust fax, S-fax

  • Automated Dispensing Machines – Pyxis, Omnicell, Medispense

  • Hospital Computer Systems, CPSI, Meditech, RxLink, Medics, Epic


  • National Patient safety goals

  • Safe Handling of High Risk Drugs & Drips

  • Drugs that should not be given IV Push

  • Identifying & reporting ADRS in a hospital

  • Preventing Medication Errors in a Hospital

  • Pharmacists role in SCIP protocol & Quality Measures

  • Identifying Paralyzing agents & safe dosing parameters

  • Use of Smart pumps in setting up drip rates for Critical IV drips

  • Malignant Hyperthermia Cart

Pharmacy Order Entry Practice

  • Medication order entry basics do’ and don’ts

  • Medication Order Types – Medication order vs IV order

  • Timing of medication orders to optimize medication administration.

  • Medication Order verification with CPOE

  • One on One Order entry practice with CPSI computer system.

  • Optional EPIC Training with Fellowship Course.

Course Options (All include 20 Hrs ACPE Credit w/ IV cert.)

A - PROGRAM-3 (Three days Hospital Rx Prep Course)

Everything listed above taught mostly in a classroom setting.

B - PROGRAM-5 (Five days Hospital Pharmacy Crash Course)

Everything listed above in an Inpatient Hospital Pharmacy setting (side by side w/ R.Ph.)

C - PROGRAM-7 (Two weeks Hospital Pharmacy Fellowship)

Everything listed above in an Inpatient Hospital Pharmacy setting working w/ another R.Ph.)

D - PROGRAM-8 (One or two days live Webinar or in person (1/on/1 hospital pharmacy)

E - Customized Training Programs at your location - Call 817-938-1064

N.B. Please select the Register Button for updated prices or call 817-938-1064

National IV Certification for Pharmacy Technicians

PROGRAM-2 (PT2) 40 Hours of ACPE Credit

We have provided IV certification to thousands of Pharmacy Technicians throughout the United States. Our Program includes 3 full days of training with extensive Hands-on Training and classroom instructions to provide a complete understanding of USP 797, Aseptic Technique and workflow in a Hospital Setting.

To register, you must be as a Certified Pharmacy Technician, a Pharmacy Technician Trainee registered with the Texas State Board of Pharmacy, or a Pharmacy Technician that meets the requirements of the state in which you Practice.

Our program includes the following:

  1. National Sterile Compounding Training Manual

  2. Hands on training on Aseptically Mixing Ivs, IVPB, Powdered Vials, ampules etc.

  3. Validation of Aseptic Technique

  4. On-Line Testing

  5. Certificate of Completion




The Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing education. To receive credit for this activity the participant must provide all relevant participation registration materials, documentation of training hours, 9 Process Validation Evaluation Checklists with 100% accuracy supervised by a TSHP approved Evaluator and pass a written exam with a score of 75% or greater. All credit is issued through PER portal and transferred to the My CPE Monitor system.

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) is the national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs in pharmacy and providers of continuing pharmacy education. ACPE was established in 1932 for the accreditation of pre-service education, and in 1975 its scope of activity was broadened to include accreditation of providers of continuing pharmacy education.

No financial support for any component of the educational activity has been provided by any outside organization.

Pharmacy Education Resources National Sterile Compounding Training for Pharmacy Technicians

UAN: 0156-9999-23-066-B07-T
Initial Release Date: 8/1/2023
Planned Expiration Date: 7/10/2026.
Home Study Credit Hours: 18.0 (0.18 CEUs)
Live Credit Hours 22 (0.22 CEUs)

At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Express appropriate formulations and methods for the calculation of various sterile compounded preparations.

  • Describe the 3 CSP categories used in sterile compounding, cleaning and storage requirements for each risk level, and assigning BUD (beyond use dating)

  • Identify the various ISO Class 5 hoods and Isolators with the appropriate sterile compounding procedure that applies to each.

  • Recognize different tests and methods which can verify that the compounded preparation is sterile.

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist aseptic hand washing.

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper gowning and sterile gloving

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper Horizontal hood cleaning technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper vertical hood or Barrier Isolator Hood cleaning technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper powder vial reconstitution technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper liquid vial and ampule technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper hazardous drug preparation technique (optional)Pharmacy Technicians


Sterile products basics, hand washing, garbing, cleaning and other considerations.
Primary & secondary engineering controls, ISO classifications
Risk Levels, Immediate use exceptions and beyond use dating (BUD)
Master formulation, Compounding worksheet & labeling
Quality Assurance: Media fill testing, Viable Air sampling, Surface sampling
Cytotoxic Agents, properties and preparation.
Math Review: Ratio & proportions, Alligations, Dose calculations etc.
Validation of Hand Washing, Garbing & Laminar Flow Hood Cleaning.
Review of Aseptic Technique

Hands on training: 8 am - 5 pm.
Mixing & addition of Ampules, vials, to bags

Validation of Aseptic technique
Validation of Ampule and Vial addition
Final review of all processes and preparation for the exam.
Online exam roughly 2 hours
Handing of certificates and completing evaluations

Our instructors have received IV Instructor Training through the University of Houston with a wealth of teaching and practical experience, and therefore able to provide a unique and outstanding learning experience for our students.

National IV Certification for Pharmacists (SCAT)

Based on USP 797, formalized IV Training is now a requirement for all Pharmacists & Pharmacy Technicians involved in sterile compounding, whether in a hospital setting, Infusion Suite, Long Term Care or Compounding Pharmacies who have taken on sterile compounding as a product line. This is a national standard that is applicable to all pharmacies across the USA. This is also referred to as SCAT (Sterile Compounding Admixture Training)

We have been teaching this course since 2005 and have helped thousands of Pharmacists from all over the USA and abroad to get National IV Training on compounding Sterile IV Products. Our Instructors are certified by the University of Houston as Certified IV Instructors, who provide a unique learning experience for all the students.

Pharmacists can register for the regularly scheduled monthly class (P-1) or do the expedited one on one training at your convenience on any weekday with one weeks’ notice.

You may call to schedule your one-on-one training or simply register for the class, and we will send the open dates available.

click on registration button for class schedule and prices:

At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:

  • Express appropriate formulations and methods for the calculation of various sterile compounded preparations.

  • Describe the 3 CSP categories used in sterile compounding, cleaning and storage requirements for each risk level, and assigning BUD (beyond use dating)

  • Identify the various ISO Class 5 hoods and Isolators with the appropriate sterile compounding procedure that applies to each.

  • Recognize different tests and methods which can verify that the compounded preparation is sterile.

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist aseptic hand washing.

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper gowning and sterile gloving

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper Horizontal hood cleaning technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper vertical hood or Barrier Isolator Hood cleaning technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper powder vial reconstitution technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper liquid vial and ampule technique

  • Demonstrate @ 100% accuracy on Process Validation (PV) Checklist proper hazardous drug preparation technique (optional)

All our prices include the cost of book/s, handouts, study guide and testing material.CLASSES ARE HELD AT CRESCENT REGIONAL HOSPTIAL OR YOU MAY ATTEND VIA ZOOM:

PROGRAM-1 {20 Hours of ACPE Credit}

Full day of class room instruction with hands on training and Aseptic Technique Validations

For this program, Pharmacists do not necessarily need to have prior IV experience.

You must sign up for the schedule class usually once a month.

It includes the following:

  1. National Sterile Compounding Training Manual

  2. Hands on training on Aseptically Mixing IV’s

  3. Validation of Aseptic Technique - Half day of classroom instruction with Certified Instructor

  4. On-Line Testing

  5. Certificate of Completion

  6. Test retake at no extra charge if needed within one week.

PROGRAM-1E (Expedited) 20 Hours of ACPE Credit

This may be scheduled any weekday with 1 weeks’ notice, or you can sign up for the 1/on/1 Class & we will send you open dates to choose from.

For this program, Pharmacists do not necessarily need to have prior IV mixing experience.

It includes the following:

  1. National Sterile Compounding Training Manual

  2. Hands on training on Aseptically Mixing Ivs

  3. Validation of Aseptic Technique

  4. Material Review with IV Instructor (2 hours)

  5. On-Line Testing

  6. Certificate of Completion

The target audience(s) that may best benefit from participation in the activity- (Pharmacists)



The Texas Society of Health-System Pharmacists (TSHP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing education. To receive credit for this activity the participant must provide all relevant participation registration materials, documentation of training hours, 9 Process Validation Evaluation Checklists with 100% accuracy supervised by a TSHP approved Evaluator and pass a written exam with a score of 75% or greater. All credit is issued through PER portal and transferred to the My CPE Monitor system.

Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) is the national agency for the accreditation of professional degree programs in pharmacy and providers of continuing pharmacy education. ACPE was established in 1932 for the accreditation of pre-service education, and in 1975 its scope of activity was broadened to include accreditation of providers of continuing pharmacy education.

No financial support for any component of the educational activity has been provided by any outside organization.

Pharmacy Education Resources National Sterile Compounding Training for Pharmacists

UAN: 0156-9999-23-065-B07-P

Initial Release Date: 8/1/2023

Planned Expiration Date: 7/10/2026.

Home Study Credit Hours: 18.0 (0.18 CEUs)

TYPE: Practice-based Credit 2 Contact hours (0.02 CEUs)

Pharmacy Technicians

UAN: 0156-9999-23-066-B07-T

Initial Release Date: 8/1/2023

Planned Expiration Date: 7/10/2026.

Our instructors have received IV Instructor Training through the University of Houston with a wealth of teaching and practical experience, and therefore able to provide a unique and outstanding learning experience for our students.